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Friday 5 August 2016

How to Surprise your Girlfriend? 10 Awesome Tips

You may love your girl from the core of your heart and in the most sincere way possible but expressing it from time to time can keep the magic alive in your relationship and most of all it will make her feel special. And when you do want to do something special for her than what can be better than giving her surprises. Oh, we love surprises, don’t we!
Girls aren’t always looking for huge gifts that their boyfriends would buy for them (at least the right ones don’t) but instead they long for little acts of love and kindness and a few surprise every now and then amaze them and make them happy. Here are 10 brilliant ideas you can use to plan a great surprise for your girlfriend on an occasion or just on a random day!

Girls love receiving gifts but they don’t need to be very expensive. In fact girls love it when you put in some thought instead of your money to make/get those gifts. Little gifts out of nowhere can surprise her and lighten up her day like nothing else. And you don’t need an occasion for them, just do it whenever you feel like. Like bring her a rose, or an “I LOVE YOU” card or her favorite chocolates.

9. Show up outside her house/office

Though planned dates are romantic and exciting but it is those unplanned visits that give us maximum joy. Get a bunch of flowers and show up outside her apartment or outside her office just before she is about to come out. Or maybe you can call her up and make some excuse to get her out like “Please I need you to go downstairs for a minute and collect some packet from a friend”. She will come out least expecting that she is going to find you there with a bunch of flowers!

8. Pick her an outfit and plan a fancy date

Another thing that girls love is when their guy puts in all the effort and plan a proper date for her and isn’t just like “we can go wherever you say or we will do whatever you like”. Girls can be bossy sometimes but at other times they love to watch you take the lead. If you’re living together then after she leaves home pick out an outfit from her closet along with her favorite shoes and accessories and leave a note mentioning a time and a restaurant. In the note tell her that you will be waiting for her and she shall reach the restaurant on time or ask her to be ready at home and you will come and pick her up. The whole idea is to take all the stress (what to wear, where to go, what time to go etcetera) off her shoulders and let her just relax and enjoy. And don’t forget to reserve table beforehand.

7. Leave her lot of notes

Leaving notes all around the place may sound girly but when they have something sweet written in each of them you girl will love reading or finding them all over her place. Write compliments for her or something like “Reasons why I love you” with a different one on each sticky note. Leave these at places in her apartment or in her office where she goes the most. You can leave them at her dresser or at the coffee machine and when she will spot them it would bring joy!

6. Organize a surprise party

Surprise parties may sound cliched but the person you are throwing it for loves it anyway. Plan a surprise party for your girlfriend for a special day, her birthday, your anniversary or maybe your first Christmas together. Talk to all her friends and siblings, order her favorite food, and decorate the area, her or your house or a friend’s house. Call her and ask her to be at the place as there is something important that requires her. Now turn off lights and hide. You can stick a lot of balloons on the back side of the main door so when she opens it and the balloons hit the wall behind they pop! And then SURPRISE! Seeing that you have brought all the people who matter to her together she will love you so much more.

5. Prepare a meal for her

Your guy friends may mock you for your extraordinary culinary skills but girls find boys who cook, very hot and sexy! Bring those skills to use to surprise your girlfriend and she will totally love it. Prepare a meal with her favourite dishes or the ones which you cook the best. Even if you are no expert in the kitchen then a little help from a family member or a friend can help you pull off this surprise. In fact knowing that you don’t happen to possess any culinary skills yet you made the effort will make her feel all the more special! And remember it’s not just about the food but the way you present it. Set up a table and a couple of chairs on your terrace, place some candles in the center of the table and add some Christmas lights on the terrace walls. Trust me it will amaze her!

4. Put a recorded CD in her car

Girls love things with a personal touch. They love to hear your voice in morning that can set her mood right for the whole day. Record a sweet voice note or sing a song for her and place it in her car in the morning. You may want to take help of her family setting up this surprise so that when in the morning she turns on her car, hits the stereo it will be your loving voice filling her with joy.

3. Get two of you registered for a game show or a karaoke

A relationship is nurtured when you keep adding fun and playful elements in it. If your girlfriend loves game shows or adventure sports then get you two registered for one, for Wipeout maybe! Or you can also sign you two up for a karaoke night. She will love it!

2. Drive her to “your” place

By your place I don’t mean where you live but a place where the two of you met for the first time or maybe some other significant place which is special for you two as a couple. Make your girl sit in the car, blindfold her, put on some romantic music and make light conversations while you drive to keep her engaged. When you finally reach there open her blindfold and she will be really surprised. You might want to recreate your first date, do everything you did that day and relive those precious memories.

1. Prepare a flash mob for her

Okay I might have started sounding like an insane person and may be this idea is a bit over the top but man! When actually there will be a group of 7-10 people dancing and performing just for her the expressions on her face will be priceless! Gather your friends and somehow convince them to do so or hire professionals and ask them to do a well choreographed verse in front of her while you two just leave the mall or are having lunch in open. This will be crazy and so awesome!

The Three Types Of Women

The HO, The Freak and The Good Girls

 The Ho, The Freak and the Good Girl

"Once you have the ability to discern what a woman's true personal core consists of, you know on what basis to interact with her". This is the root to handling a woman to your satisfaction - knowing her basic type before you get involved. If you don't realize her true type, you automatically are at a disadvantage in your involvement with her - you are off-base and unable to properly evaluate her actions according to her true type. 

Here is an example:
If you are involved with a woman who has a penchant for being flirtatious with other men there are completely different reasons for her being that way, depending on her basic type. If she is a Ho, she's being flirtatious with the idea of making some money in mind. If she's a Freak, it's because she desires to "play," or to reassure herself as to her desirability. If she's a Good Girl, she could be attempting to arouse in you feelings of jealousy, which will reassure her that you care for her. If you show jealousy to a Good Girl, she feels more yours, more secure in your relationship. If you show jealousy to a freak, it shows her that she has you under control, and weakens your control over her. 

And if you are the one being flirted with, not being able to discern the type of woman flirting with you could have negative ramifications. If you read into a Good Girl's flirtation that you can "get something done" with her, if you mistake her for a Freak and think she actually, if persuaded properly, will have sex with you, you will be badly disappointed when she draws a line she will not cross with you as far as intimacy goes. If you react to a Freak's flirtations thinking she is a Good Girl, you will be considered "too serious" for her, or not sexually adventurous enough and she is turned off. And if you don't realize a Ho is a Ho, and her flirtations with you are to get you to spend your money, and not because of you per se, you run the risk of getting your feelings hurt-along with your wallet." 

Your proper diagnosis of a girl's true basic type could prove as beneficial to your mental health as a doctor's proper diagnosis to your physical well-being. 
Properly determining a girl's basic type is possible by thorough knowledge of 
each type's main characteristics, and mentally evaluating a woman much the same way as a baseball scout would evaluate a prospect for the team; close observation of not only major or overt actions but also small details, habits, idiosyncrasies and mindset exhibited. Through continued practice and experience, you will be able to "scout out" good, hot prospects for your team." 

Such a simple clarification in your mind as to what type of girl you are dealing with - Ho, Freak or Good Girl - makes all the difference in the world sometimes between great success or abject failure. Not distinguishing this is the number one cause of men getting the "you're too nice for me" 

When you look to get married, you are not going to retire from the battle of the sexes; you are going to select your lifelong opponent! 
Woe to the man who loses control of the woman after married. To those who 
are reading this and have already felt the pain of the legal dissolution of an emotional commitment -divorce- you have my heartfelt sympathy, but too bad ya shoulda known. 

They weren't inadequate - they were just simply dealing with a Freak or a Ho 
instead of a Good Girl! And some bitches will hide the type they know they are on purpose! Learn the details of the Three Basic Types, and make sure You are not the one played for a foo…! 

3 Types:

It is absolutely necessary to know the type of a woman you are targeting. 

No woman is 100 % of any one type - for example, you can catch a Good Girl's attention with a display of wealth (that’s your clout), but her bottom line is that she's at least going to have to feel she can grow to love you over time, because a Good Girl will not marry you just for your money. But a Good Girl is the type that will marry you even if you don't have anything but love for her. This is the type of girl that gives a man inspiration to achieve in life; she makes it worth going out into the world for, and enjoyable to come home to. 

If a man mistakes her for a Freak, whose bottom line is the new and exciting, 
usually sexual experience; the type to whom the worst fate imaginable is to be bored - if he misplays the Good Girl because he's been told that all women are the same, or, worse, he hasn't been told that they are NOT all the same and in exactly what way are they different - and just focuses on her sexually, then eventually his money is not going to be enough to keep her; finding love is a Good Girl's bottom line. 

A Ho may marry a man for his money (a lot of Hoes have only one client - their husband!) and even if he is old and frail and unable to perform sexually, she will not jeopardize her position for mere sexual satisfaction by cheating on him; the Ho's bottom line is wealth and/or status. A lot of cheerleaders in high school are hoes-in-training, selling out to the top athlete in order to gain the currency of popularity. And of course we here on the pn know about the common ordinary street ho and her motivations. 

A freak is where we want to put our aspiring pimpin attention to! 
A Freak may be attracted to a wealthy man, or a man who shows a lot of clout and even if he is, Bling Bling, and she is married to him, she still would risk getting divorced because of the excitement of having sex with the bodyguard under a boardwalk pier. To a Freak, the new and exciting, usually sexual, is her bottom line. That's why boredom is so intolerable to this type girl, and she will risk danger to experience the taboo or forbidden simply because to her it's exciting, and "something to do". But even Freaks have a sense of convention and a female desire for security - remember, no bitch is 100 % of any type - it is the bottom-line choices that she makes that shows her true type. 

"About the age of twenty-five or so, a Freak will start to look for someone to 
settle down with. She almost always desires a "symp" (a male who allows the woman to be dominant mentally), not a man, because a symp will allow her to continue her freak way of constantly seeking male attention. This explains why you see beautiful girls married to average-looking guys - she can easily control him - she can easily control him, and therefore the relationship, by making him feel his ass is "lucky" to have her because other beauty. She may not necessarily have sex with another man after she's married, but neither she nor that po..fool, can ever be truly sure she won't. This is the type that is susceptible to the office or work affair. Over a period of time the nature of the Freak and her actions have a corrosive effect on the male's ego. If you do divorce the biatch, your prenuptial may keep your wallet intact, but it does nothing for the damage to your ego and pride. If you have money and are going to allow a woman to marry you for it, better a Ho than a Freak. Both choices, however, are bad. 

"But, lots of times guys are willing to sacrifice their pride and control over the 
woman they fuk with in order to obtain one that is extremely beautiful and attractive. Not us fuk's of course! This is a personal decision a male must make for himself. A Freak is capable of innocently, by her nature, conducting herself with other men in a way that is borderline "come-on". In other words, she is capable of giving off the impression to other men that, although she is with you, she is still available sexually to them if the right buttons are pushed. Again, she may not actually be available, but her nature requires her to give that impression in order to receive the level of male attention she needs to verify her desirability. 

"Freaks are sometimes able to learn Ho behavior, but it is against basic type and usually results in psychological conflict. Eventually she may cease from actually giving access to her sex for money, but is comfortable with such things as posing naked for photography, or doing strip routines in nightclubs, things that are sexually provocative but do not require her to actually have impersonal sex for money. Girls who are "cockteasers" are Freaks. She might "give it up", she might not. How much do you want her and what are you willing to do for it to reaffirm her desirability is her criteria for deciding. 

"That attitude is at the crux of the Freak's nature - her need for personal 
recognition and a constant reaffirmation other femininity. When you attempt to get more than what a Freak gives sexually, by trying to turn the relationship into a deep emotional commitment, not only will you be unsuccessful, but also you will spoil the sex you're getting, because it will be time for her to move on and find someone else to "fall in love" with. Or worse, she will allow you to get deeply emotionally involved so that she can enjoy the thrill of going through the wedding process, itself something new and exciting "to do". Unfortunately, lots of times when this particular new thrill wears off, so does the marriage." 

One of the main sources of frustration men have with women is one they create for themselves by treating a woman against type. If, early in the interaction, you treat a Freak as a Good Girl, a woman who wants love and loyalty, that's when you get the brush-off as "a nice guy" or "too serious" or "I just want to be friends". It wasn't that you were too nice, it was that you were too nice with the wrong type girl! Your approach would have worked perfectly with a Good Girl, who herself wanted a nice guy who was 

Beware of any advice that does not specifically address the basic types of 
women in how you approach them. Not all techniques work the same on all women! 

-Aurthor Gordon

Few Things girls do better than boys

1. Girls Learn Better

It has been proven that girls are smarter than boys and one reason is because girls learn better. This is because women are better organized, open, and considerate. The two colleges of the University of Georgia and the Columbia University put this fact to the test and girls indeed appeared to be found better learners.

2. Girls Interview Better

The anxiety of a job interview can make or break your chances at landing the job. A study has discovered that women are better equipped than men to handle this overwhelming amount of stress. Before the interview both men and women are highly worried but when the time comes to shine, girls deliver better results and one of those reasons is that girls prepare more before arriving.

3. Girls are Cleaner

 Guys like to get dirty, girls don’t. Girls spend hundreds of dollars on products that helps them maintain their personal hygiene, guys don’t. According to San Diego State University’s research that consisted of testing work spaces, found that men had an abundance of germs and bacteria crowding their desk. On the other hand, the women’s desks were more tidy and germ-free
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